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ITP Spring '22 → Intangible Interaction → Week 3

Curious Cube documentation has been moved to its own page.

gesture sensor

I also tried the APDS9960 sensor that gives proximity, color, and gesture information. I was mainly interested in the gesture information so that I could also use it for my Connected Devices homework this week.

In terms of wiring, APDS9960 uses I2C protocol so I connected it to POWER, GROUND, SCL, and SDA (I'm not 100% sure when the INTERRUPT pin should be hooked up though). I installed Arduino's corresponding library and uploaded the example gesture code but couldn't get any readings from it for a long time. I thought perhaps it was my wiring, but when I uploaded the other example code I could see the proximity and color information being printed.

I then saw on Luhan's blog that the sensor was only really good for very short distance and was finally able to get readings when my hand was right in front it moving relatively slowly. It turns out that I was initially moving my hand too quickly too far away.

I tried looking through the datasheet for its optimal range but I couldn't seem to find that information on a quick scan?

I tried changing the gesture sensitivity, but because the default is already at 80, setting it to 100 didn't give that much better results and setting it even a little bit lower at 50 was frustratingly not sensitive enough.

I originally wanted to use the gesture sensor to do a quick flicking motion to flip through pages in the Books app, but the short range makes that application hard to execute. Perhaps it'd have much better readings in the dark where there aren't any other IR interferrence, but that I feel like defeats the point of trying to flip through and read a book on my device whenever I want.